
A.Edition - 2011年5月推荐曲目

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A.Edition - 2011年5月推荐曲目


A.Edition - 2011年5月的推荐曲目已经出炉,如下:

1.Best Intentions - Sound of Rum
2.Bubbly - Colbie Caillat
3.EdWouldBe - Sound of Rum
4.Gotta Have You - The Weepies
5.How to Love - Lil Wayne
6.I Hate Love - Lil Wayne
7.I Need You (As The Deer) - Nicole C. Mullen
8.Lead Me (feat. the Katinas) - Nicole C. Mullen
9.Morning Light - Luke Thompson
10.No Mozart - Natasha Bedingfield
11.Not Going Anywhere - Keren Ann
12.Raincoat - Kelly Sweet
13.Right Now & Right Here - Keren Ann
14.Show - Lil Wayne
15.SITTING DOWN HERE - Lene Marlin
16.Take It From Me - The Weepies
17.We Are One - Kelly Sweet
18.When you grow up - Priscilla Ahn
19.Will Work For Love - Usher
20.World In Front of Me - Kina Grannis
21.You Give Me Something - James Morrison


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